National Agriculture in the Classroom API


A requirement for using more sensitive parts of this API such as user and login as well as identifying your location with the search function. An API key must be given to you by a national administrator.


A description of a user (teacher's) affiliation - used when creating a user.

affiliation/ GET Get a list of all of the affiliations in alphabetical order.
affiliation/abbr/{abbreviation}/ GET Get one specific affiliation by a unique abbreviation.
affiliation/id/{id}/ GET Get one specific affiliation by its unique identifier.

Common Core

A grouping of national standards used for filtering lessons when searching.

commoncore/ GET Get a list of all of the Common Core standards.

Content Areas

A grouping of national and state standards, objectives, and grade levels used for filtering lessons when searching.

contentarea/ GET Get a list of all of the Content Areas in alphabetical order.
contentarea/constant/{constant}/ GET Get one specific Content Area by its unique constant string.
contentarea/id/{id}/ GET Get one specific Content Area by its unique identifier.

Companion Resources

A media resource added to lessons.

companionresource/ GET Get an alphabetical list of all of the Companion Resources (title and description only).
companionresource/{API_key}/id/{id}/ GET Get a specific Companion Resource by its unique identifier.
companionresource/{API_key}/lesson/{id}/ GET Get a list of Companion Resources in a specific lesson.


User submitted evaluations of specific lessons.

evaluation/get/ GET Get the questions for the evaluation.
evaluation/{API_key}/save/ GET Save your user's evaluation answers.


Grade levels mapped onto lessons by national and state standards and objectives as well as national agricultural literacy outcomes.

grade/ GET Get a list of all of the grade levels from lowest to highest.
grade/band/ GET Get a list of all of the grade bands with their grade levels from lowest to highest.
grade/id/{id}/ GET Get one specific grade by its unique identifier.


The main event...

lesson/ GET Get an alphabetical list of all lessons (title and description only).
lesson/{API_key}/id/{id}/ GET Get one entire specific lesson by its unique identifier.


Made up of a state or province and a country, locations identify where a lesson was submitted from, where a user is from, and to filter lessons by state specific standards and objectives.

location/ GET Get a list of all the locations in alphabetical order.
location/id/{id}/ GET Get one specific location by its unique identifier.
location/state/{abbreviation}/ GET Get one specific location by its state abbreviation.
location/state/{name}/ GET Get any locations by state name.
location/province/{abbreviation}/ GET Get one specific location by the province abbreviation.
location/province/{name}/ GET Get any locations by province name.
location/country/{abbreviation}/ GET Get any locations by the country abbreviation.
location/country/{name}/ GET Get any locations by the country name.


Gain access to MyBinder. *This API call requires your authentication string.

login/{API key}/ POST Authenticate a user to gain access to MyBinder, etc.

Media Type

Describes the different types of Companion Resources.

mediatype/ GET Get a list of all the Companion Resource media types.
mediatype/id/{id}/ GET Get one specific media type by its unique identifier.
mediatype/constant/{constant}/ GET Get one specific media type by its unique constant name.

My Binder

Get the list of lessons from MyBinder. Used in tandem with 'user' api functions. *All of these API calls require your authentication string and user identifier.

mybinder/{API_key}/ids/{user_id}/ GET Get the list of MyBinder lesson IDs.
mybinder/{API_key}/list/{user_id}/ GET Get the list of MyBinder lessons (id, title, purpose).
mybinder/{API_key}/all/{user_id}/ GET Get the list of MyBinder lesson IDs and the list of lessons (id, title, purpose).


Allows users to search for lessons and Companion Resources. *This API call requires your authentication string.

search/{API key}/ GET Search the Matrix for lessons and Companion Resources.

Settings (National defaults)

National settings such as: API version, API server timezone, recommended maximum results (when searching lessons and Companion Resources).

setting/ GET Get a list of national default settings.
setting/name/{name of setting}/ GET Get a specific default setting by its name.


A generalized description of the subjects taught by a teacher.

specialization/ GET Get a list of specializations.
specialization/abbr/{abbreviation}/ GET Get a specific specialization by its unique abbreviation.
specialization/id/{id}/ GET Get a specific specialization by its unique identifier.


A grouping of national agricultural literacy outcomes and grade levels used for filtering lessons when searching.

theme/ GET Get an alphabetical list of themes.
theme/constant/{constant}/ GET Get a specific theme by its unique constant string.
theme/id/{id}/ GET Get a specific theme by its unique identifier.


Accounts tied to users of MyBinder and the national administrators. *All of these API calls require your authentication string.

user/{API key}/id/{user_id}/ GET Get some of a specific user's information by a unique 20 character identifier.
user/{API key}/createuser/ POST Submit user's information in order to create a new account.
user/{API key}/editprofile/(or edituser) POST Edit user's own user profile.
user/{API key}/addlesson/ POST Add a lesson to the user's MyBinder account.
user/{API key}/deletelesson/ POST Delete a lesson from the user's MyBinder account.
user/{API key}/passwordrequest/ POST Create a request to reset a user's password. Returns a reset key.
user/{API key}/validatekey/{key}/ GET Validate a reset password key.
user/{API key}/updatepassword/ POST Once the user is validated, try updating their password in the system.


A report (list) of vocabulary words.

vocabulary/fulllist/ POST Generate the vocabulary report.
vocabulary/fulllist/html/ POST Generate the vocabulary report, and get html returned for a table of words and page anchors for navigation.